Net assets
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 19 09:48:41 EDT 2005
Please cc: gnucash-user on your replies...
If you read closely, the "Net Assets" really says "Net Assets $"
meaning it's the total Net USD Assets. Or, in your case, Net AUD
"Andrew Dunkin" <Andrew.Dunkin at> writes:
> Thanks Derek,
> I understand what you are saying however the "Net Assets" value does not
> seem to be meaningful if the value of all assets held in the form of
> stocks is excluded from it's calculation. I can click through the drop
> down list as you described and view the value of each commodity in
> isolation but I don't understand the value of this. My question was
> prompted by the fact that the "Net Assets" bar usually shows me to be
> "in the red", when in fact due to stocks held I am comfortably "in the
> black". I have prices for all stocks configured and the $ value of each
> holding is shown correctly in the accounts window under the "Total
> (Report)" heading. I also don't see where currency exchange issues come
> into it. It seems odd to me that all assets excepting commodities are
> used in calculation of ones "Net Assets".
> Regards
> Andrew Dunkin
>>>> Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> 04/19/05 12:13 AM >>>
> The Net Assets bar shows you the total assets in each commodity.
> Click on it and it will let you choose which commodity you want
> to see. It does not use exchange rates to compute the value
> in your locale currency as you seem to expect it would.
> -derek
> andrew <andrew.dunkin7424 at> writes:
>> Immediately below the GUI menu buttons near the top of the Accounts
> window is a
>> small section that shows calculated values for "Net Assets" &
> "Profits". It
>> appears that the calculation of the figure shown here for "Net Assets"
> does not
>> take into account any "Investment" asset values, such as stocks and
> mutual fund
>> units. The value of such assets appears to be excluded from the
> calculation of
>> this "Net Asset" value. Is this correct and if so why are the values
> of stocks
>> etc not included in the calculation of the "Net assets" figure shown
> beneath the
>> GUI menu buttons?
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> Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
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warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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