Finance::Quote works, but gnucash->update prices doesn't.

David Reiser dbreiser at
Thu Aug 18 13:16:32 EDT 2005

I'm guessing, but I'll bet you either have dueling versions of  
finance-quote, or some other path/symlink issue.

I can't imagine installing gnucash on a mac without Fink. I also  
installed finance-quote with fink, so all the files are installed  
somewhere in the /sw tree. I suspect that using MCPAN did something  
like install finance-quote in /usr/local. If there is less than  
perfect harmony with respect to paths and symlinks, that might be  
causing your problem.

If you didn't use fink to install gnucash, then I don't know what to  

On Aug 18, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Thomas John Vitolo wrote:

> gnucash 1.8.11
> OS X 10.4.2
> After figuring out that installing both X11 and XCode from CD is  
> necessary with
> Tiger on MacMini, I'm having trouble with Finance::Quote.  Using
> sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
> I was able to install LWP::UserAgent, HTTP::Request::Common,
> HTML::TableExtractor, and finally, Finance::Quote .  I know that  
> Finance::Quote
> works because the code
> -------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use Finance::Quote;
> my $q = Finance::Quote->new();
> my %data = $q->fetch('nyse', 'IBM');
> print "The current price of IBM on the NYSE is " . $data{'IBM',  
> 'price'};
> -----
> returns the correct price.  However, when I then start up gnucash  
> (1.8.11) and
> use Price Editor -> Get Quotes, I get the standard error message
> You are missing some needed Perl libraries.  Run 'update-finance- 
> quote' as root
> to install them.
> So, I did just that, using sudo.  Everything appeared to work fine,  
> with plenty
> of OK messages and no errors.  I exited gnucash, reopened it, and  
> still, same
> error.  I've rebooted my machine and gnucash to make sure it wasn't  
> a startup issue.
> So -- what gives?  Any thoughts?  I appreciate it!
>  - stomv
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