The trouble with double-entry...

TC tc at
Tue Feb 1 22:19:32 EST 2005

>>Now here's where I screw with 700 years of accounting tradition.

> That's where you should take a step back and reconsider.  It's the
> height of hubris for me to think that I know better than centuries of
> men (I happen to think so quite often, but that's because I'm a pompous
> git...).  If folks have been doing it for so long, it's highly probable
> that there's a good reason for it, although of course there may not be.

Interesting philosophy.
And so where do you think we'd be today then, if certain Italian 
merchants, 500 years ago, had followed your advice, not said "yah booh 
sucks!" to *their* elders, and hadn't come up with Double Entry 


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