Multi-currency problems 2 of 2 (splits)

TC tc at
Sun Jan 9 19:28:21 EST 2005

The next problem may be related to the first but I'm not sure.

Basically, it appears that split transfers from one currency to another 
don't work properly.  My specific situation was this:

I was transferring 1000 sterling from a UK bank to a US bank.  There was 
an exchange rate of 1.814, and the UK bank charged me 10 sterling.  So, 
in my actual bank accounts I see:

* Withdrawal of 1010 sterling from my UK bank
* Deposit of 1814 dollars into my US bank

(And hidden away in that 1010 is the 10 pound charge.)

I tried to represent that in gnucash by entering the 1010 as a split.  I 
noticed two problems.

PROBLEM 1 - I wasn't asked for an exchange rate for the 1000 pound part
PROBLEM 2 - the split transaction appeared in the destination bank 
account, but all the values are zero

Just to make that second problem clear:

Before the transfer, the account balances were:

UK account = 2000 pounds
US account = 50 dollars

After the transfer, the account balances were:

UK account = 990 pounds (correct - 1010 pounds has been deducted)
US account = 50 dollars (wrong - where is the incoming 1814 dollars?)

Again, am I doing it wrong?


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