Multi-currency problems 2 of 2 (splits)

TC tc at
Mon Jan 10 21:36:36 EST 2005

>>Before the transfer, the account balances were:
>>UK account = 2000 pounds
>>US account = 50 dollars
>>After the transfer, the account balances were:
>>UK account = 990 pounds (correct - 1010 pounds has been deducted)
>>US account = 50 dollars (wrong - where is the incoming 1814 dollars?)

> First, which version of gnucash are you using?

It's running in a new Fedora Core 3 installation.

> Second, how did you enter the transaction?  Using what interface?
> What key-/button- presses?  

I've just done it again, to test it (and it's still broke).

1. I started with a fresh file.
2. I created three accounts in sequence - no starting balances
3. I opened the "UK Bank"
4. With the cursor in the starting position (i.e. at the start of the 
first blank line) I hit tab until I got to the Description field and 
typed "transfer".
5. I hit tab three times until I was in the "Withdrawal" field, where I 
entered 1010.
6. I clicked on the "Split" button on the menu bar to open the split.
7. Tabbing through the various fields, I entered the two deposit side 
transactions - 1000 to the "US Bank" and 10 to the "UK Expense"
8. I clicked on the next blank transaction line (i.e. outside the one I 
was editing) to complete the data entry

Then I switched bank to the main GnuCash account tree window and noted 
that the balances were wrong.  They were:

UK Bank  = -1010 (correct)
UK Expense = 10 (correct)
US Bank = 0 (wrong - should be some exchange rate times 1000)

I then opened the "US Bank" to find that it did in fact have a 
transaction entered.  It was my "transfer" and it was a three-way split. 
   The three split entries were "US Bank", "UK Bank" and "UK Expense". 
However, all three had empty values (not zero, empty).

 > Some paths got broken sometime between 1.8.6 and 1.8.9 and I just
 > haven't had the time or energy to track down what broke.  I'm hoping
 > someone else comes along willing to take on that task.

Hey, it's free code; you're a volunteer and a hero; give yourself a 
break :-)


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