Multi-currency problems 2 of 2 (splits)

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 10 22:19:10 EST 2005

TC <tc at> writes:

> 1.8.9
> It's running in a new Fedora Core 3 installation.

Hmm, well 1.8.10 is current, but I'm fairly sure this hasn't changed.

>> Second, how did you enter the transaction?  Using what interface?
>> What key-/button- presses?
> I've just done it again, to test it (and it's still broke).
> 1. I started with a fresh file.
> 2. I created three accounts in sequence - no starting balances
> 3. I opened the "UK Bank"
> 4. With the cursor in the starting position (i.e. at the start of the
> first blank line) I hit tab until I got to the Description field and
> typed "transfer".
> 5. I hit tab three times until I was in the "Withdrawal" field, where
> I entered 1010.
> 6. I clicked on the "Split" button on the menu bar to open the split.
> 7. Tabbing through the various fields, I entered the two deposit side
> transactions - 1000 to the "US Bank" and 10 to the "UK Expense"
> 8. I clicked on the next blank transaction line (i.e. outside the one
> I was editing) to complete the data entry

Try it my way:

1) open UK Bank
2) create a basic transaction to US Bank, withdrawing 1000 GBP
3) this should pop up the exchange-rate dialog -- fill it in properly
4) commit the transaction
5) go back to the transaction, now click 'split'
6) change the 1000 in UK Bank to 1010
7) go to the new split and apply the 10 pounds to UK Expense
8) commit the changed transaction.

> Then I switched bank to the main GnuCash account tree window and noted
> that the balances were wrong.  They were:
> UK Bank  = -1010 (correct)
> UK Expense = 10 (correct)
> US Bank = 0 (wrong - should be some exchange rate times 1000)
> I then opened the "US Bank" to find that it did in fact have a
> transaction entered.  It was my "transfer" and it was a three-way
> split.  The three split entries were "US Bank", "UK Bank" and "UK
> Expense". However, all three had empty values (not zero, empty).

Yes, I was able to reproduce this using the recipe you provided.  Can
you file a bug in bugzilla and put in your recipe above?

>  > Some paths got broken sometime between 1.8.6 and 1.8.9 and I just
>  > haven't had the time or energy to track down what broke.  I'm hoping
>  > someone else comes along willing to take on that task.
> Hey, it's free code; you're a volunteer and a hero; give yourself a
> break :-)

Thanks..  It's hard to do that, sometimes.

> tc


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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