Reblance Transactions

Robert A. Rawlinson rarawlinson at
Thu Jan 20 12:07:08 EST 2005

John Rumball wrote:

> Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Okay -- now, go into the second split line -- the line that has no
>> transfer account, and set it to the Expense account.  Then tab out of
>> the cell to get it to accept..  And then hit 'enter' to commit it.
> The minute I click on the split line without a transfer account, I get 
> a third split line appearing, in between the two, with no amount 
> displayed, but with the correct transfer account I tried to specify in 
> my first screen-cap.  I have attached yet another screen-cap 
> displaying the current situation.
> Thanks.
> John
I was wondering how you create the screen print like you are sending. I 
am a newby at this. Thanks for any thelp.
Bob Rawlinson

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