Unbalanced balance sheet

Jeffrey Ratcliffe jrposting at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jan 20 17:27:58 EST 2005

Still not balanced, I've tracked down the next problem, which seems to
be that on purchasing more of shares I'd already owned (at a different
price, of course), the value of the shares is wrongly calculated, or
calculated at least in such a way that the balance sheet/account summary
doesn't balance. This obvious varies depending on whether weighted
average, most recent or nearest in time is selected for the pricing
strategy, however, none of the three produced a balanced report.

It seems to me that there are two solutions to this - either the balance
sheet/account summary should reflect the purchase price of the shares.
This would be shame - ignoring more recent price information.

The logical solution would be that Gnucash automatically calculates the
unrealised gains/losses for each share and puts this in, say the equity
account. The balance sheet shows such a figure, but it is alway 0 for
me, and is added to the liabilities account.

Has anyone any thoughts on this?

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