segmentation fault

Mark Johnson mrj001 at
Thu Jan 27 23:06:26 EST 2005

Today, I decided to try creating a custom report with an Expense 
piechart and and Income & Expense Chart on one report.  I changed the 
piechart to display 12 (I think) segments.  Since I liked this, I 
decided to save the report.

However, the next time I opened gnucash, it crashed.  The shell where I 
opened it only showed "segmentation fault" as the output.

I had to remove the most recent copy of the "books" file, restart 
gnucash, open the most recent backup, and replay the most recent log.  
No problem with the books; they are back where they belong.

There is a new "multicolumn view" under Reports->Custom.  This, I 
presume, is my saved report.  It continues to crash gnucash.

1. Is this problem reproducible?
2. How do I get rid of a custom report?


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