Newbie migration issues
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Jan 29 00:08:18 EST 2005
Rod Engelsman <rodengelsman at> writes:
> 1. Setting up my wife's student loan. What numbers is the Loan Druid
> expecting in various places? For instance, in the "Loan Information"
> dialog, where it says "Amount", is that the amount borrowed or the
> amount of the payment? Is it supposed to be positive or negative? And if
> that is the amount of the payment, then where does this thing get the
> amount of the principal from? No matter what combination of possible
> entries I make to this thing it comes up with absurd amortization schedules.
It's the original principal amount.
> 2. Setting up categories for taxes (personal income). I went through the
> business of assigning tax categories for everything, but the tax/TXF
> report shows all zero amounts. In some places it says that I have some
> code repeated (Error, Error, Will Robinson!). The situation isn't that
> complex; my wife works, I get VA education benefits, we have a couple of
> deductible categories (student loan interest and tuition) and we get Oil
> and Gas Royalties from about a half-dozen different companies (couple
> hundred bucks total a month for that). Is it a matter of how you name
> the accounts? Once again, the intuitive approach doesn't seem to work
> and I can't find any documentation on this.
Sorry, I've never used the tax categories, so I dont know. Could you
provide the exact error message you get, word-for-word? That might help
at least point to the code in question relaying the error.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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