Newbie migration issues

Rod Engelsman rodengelsman at
Sat Jan 29 09:01:58 EST 2005

Jon Lapham wrote:

> Rod Engelsman wrote:
>> Obviously, this amortization schedule is way screwed up. So what did 
>> I do wrong?
> Hve you read through the docs yet?
Absolutely. Everything except the strictly-for-business parts. And 
frankly, they sorta suck. Actually, it's just that they are woefully 
incomplete. There is absolutely *no* documentation on the two issues 
that are giving me a hard time (Loan Druid and Tax Options).

Furthermore, it turns out that the Financial Calculator (at least on my 
installation) gives very inaccurate answers.  I say this by comparing 
the answers it gives vs. the results using Calc. And the 
Loan Druid is a very poor design even if it gave the right answer. There 
is no way that if you punch the amount, rate, and length of your bank 
loan into this thing that you are going to come  up with *exactly* the 
same figure as your bank. And that *exact* figure is the check you have 
to write each month.

On the other hand, I was able to devise a spreadsheet that calculates 
the interest and principal split to match to the penny what my lender's 
records show. So for now I'm just going to use that and enter the split 
by hand. The druid is useless and in my installation completely broken 
anyway. Please look at the bug that I referenced.


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