Currency symbol

Maf. King maf at
Mon Jul 4 12:58:38 EDT 2005

On Thursday 19 May 2005 16:06, Bob Williams wrote:
> I'm new to linux and have just started using Gnucash 1.8.8 which is the
> version shipped with SuSE 9.2.
> Very pleased with it, and much easier to understand than Microsoft
> Money. However, I'm using the GBP currency (naturally, as I live in UK)
> but the pound sign displays with a capital A in front of it. Moreover,
> the A has a little hat on, in the form of a carat symbol [Shift 6]. This
> is very distracting. Has anyone else come across this problem? Any
> suggestions on how to correct the display?

Hi Bob.

This is do do with the character encoding used by SuSE, which is UTF-8 by 
default.  as GC (by virtue of being a Gnome-1 app) doesn't understand UTF-8, 
you get some wierd display characters.

What you need to do is switch to a different encoding for GC.  This is 
discussed in the FAQ, see

(that's a really long url, if it gets wrapped your end!)

for SuSE in the UK, you want an encoding of LANG="en_GB.ISO-8859-1" 


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