GNUCASH w/ ShopSite - Order Management (Labels, Invoices, etc...)

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 2 13:58:12 EDT 2005

Last I checked there's no QIF format for invoices, only transactional
information.  Gnucash should import that just fine.

Neil has been working on QSF, an xml import/export subsystem which would let
gnucash import invoices and other information via XML.  I've cc'd Neil in the
hopes that he'll answer more thoroughly.


Quoting David <david at>:

> Hello -
> I've setup an ecommerce site for one of my clients using the ShopSite
> ( ecommerce package, but client is interested in
> streamlining things such as invoices, packing slips, labels, etc...
> One option is to cough up around 1000 bucks to buy a Windows-based
> package that works seamlessly with  ShopSite.  Another is to find a
> program that can make sense of the .qif or .xml files that ShopSite
> allows you to generate and download (containing customer and order
> info).
> She's running linux (ubuntu) and we're trying to import .qif as well
> as .xml files into GNUCash to see what it can make sense of.  Haven't
> been able to do any of this successfully as of yet.  
> Anyone have any experience with this?
> Thanks!
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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