Locked Database

Bob Williams linux at barrowhillfarm.org.uk
Thu Jun 9 17:17:30 EDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 17:00 -0400, John Rakestraw wrote:
> ***
> Q: GnuCash crashes on startup trying to run an SX. How do I fix this?
>      A: We're still trying to track down all the various SX problems. 
> First, you should make sure you're running the most recent release. 


> Second, if you're running the most recent release and still having 
> problems you should file a bug report with all the output on your 
> terminal (you ARE running gnucash from a terminal, RIGHT???).

Why is this important? I run it from a link on my KDE desktop

>  Third, you 
> should backup your data file because the developers may want to see 
> portions of it to help track down this problem. Finally, run:
> gnucash --nofile
>      then turn off the AutoRun option from Edit -> Preferences -> 
> Scheduled Transactions . Then exit and restart GnuCash and it should 
> open your data file just fine.
> ***
Thanks, John, Paul and Eddie, that worked fine :)
Bob Williams <linux at barrowhillfarm.org.uk>

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