when a single transaction's full amount belongs to multiple accounts

David Harrison davidharrisoncga at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 18:22:35 EDT 2005

On 6/22/05, Terrence Brannon <bauhaus at metaperl.com> wrote:
> I read about Split Transactions in section 4.2.2 of the Gnucash
> guide. However, I have asituation that is different from that.
> Let's say I buy a chess book. I created the "Common Accounts" set of
> accounts when starting, so I have both Entertainment:Recreation as
> well as a Books category.
> Logically, a chess book is both: the chess aspect is
> Entertainment:Recreation and the  book aspect is Books. So, instead of
> the dollar amount being split between these accounts, in a sense the
> entire amount spent for the book belongs to both accounts.
> What would you do in this case?

Pick whichever one is more meaningful to you.

David Harrison, BAccS, CGA

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