report on account monthly average amounts?

Robert C. Ramsdell III rcriii at
Fri Jun 24 14:49:28 EDT 2005

I don't know a way to do this in Gnucash.  Just in case no-one else
does, I've written a python program that parses the gnucash file and
spits out a list of all accounts with current balances.  The program
lets you input an "as of" date, so you can compute changes to accounts
over time.

I can send it if you wish.  Requires python and python-xml.


On Fri, 2005-06-24 at 17:07 +0000, Terrence Brannon wrote:
> There appears to have been some work on reporting on average amounts
> per account:
> But I could not find such a report in the Reports menu.
> Does anyone have any info on the latest and greatest way to dole out
> info on expenses per category divided by number of months in the data
> set?
> Regards,
Robert C. Ramsdell III
5528 Middaugh Avenue
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 435-1776
rcriii at

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