Cash Flow Report
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 24 18:45:56 EDT 2005
Please go read the archives. This has been discussed numerous times.
You're thinking of an Income Report or P&L. That's I - E. The P&L shows you
the income and expenses for a period, broken down by account.
Cash Flow is actually talking about the movement of, well, cash. It takes into
account movement into or out of a set of accounts. It's not directly related
to income or expense, per se. It will take into account Loan payments, etc.
that wont show up on a P&L (because it's not an Expense).
Quoting gnucash at
> When I think of Cash flow or Net Earnings, I think of
> Income - Expenses = Cash Flow
> for a given period of time. I have no idea what gnucash's Cash Flow
> report is trying to tell me. I end up with a positive difference that's 3
> times what my income for that period of time is. When I go look at the
> options, the only accounts selected are Asset accounts, no Income or
> Expense accounts.
> The report talks about things like "Money into selected accounts from" and
> "money out of selected accounts goes to".
> Anyway, when I wipe the account selections and pick all my expenses and
> income accounts that looks jacked up too. Not sure what I'm missing. Can
> someone explain how that report is supposed to work?
> Thanks,
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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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