question about formulas in mortgage/loan druid

Josh Sled jsled at
Wed Jun 29 17:55:31 EDT 2005

On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 05:50:16PM -0400, Alan Munter wrote:
| OK.  I will take a look at the source and see what I can figure out
| about adding another variable to be prompted.

Ah, I might not have been clear.  If you add any text-string into the
formula, the SXes will treat it as a variable.  Since it doesn't have
know what value to provide (unless the variable is 'i'), it will 
be forced to prompt you for the value.

| Thanks for the tip to look at the gnumeric docs, by the way.  They
| helped a lot and I didn't make the connection that the functions were
| the same.

Ah, they're not necessarily ... but in this case they are.

Of course, the source is pretty readable as well.

-- | a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}

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