problems importing qif data with multiple currencies

Greg Aumann Greg_Aumann at
Fri Mar 25 01:54:35 EST 2005

I am trying to transfer data from quicken to gnucash. This data has 
accounts in quite few different currencies. The quicken data is all in 
one qif file which imported ok.

I saw the message during the import process that said that multiple 
currencies weren't correctly handled.

After the import I manually changed the currencies of the accounts that 
were different from the default. I found that every transfer between 
accounts where there was a currency conversion was doubled. So I thought 
I would delete one of them and adjust the exchange rate on the other. A 
bit of a pain because there are so many but doable.

However in many cases I couldn't change the exchange rate. After poking 
around I think the problem is happenning on transfers between accounts 
where neither of them is in my default currency. The save file states 
that the transaction currency is my default currency and the exchange 
rate dialog lists the transaction currency and one of the account 
currencies rather than the currencies of both accounts.

It seems this problem goes back to the import occuring in the default 
currency and when I changed the currency of an account it didn't change 
the currency of all the transactions associated with that account.

My question is what is the best way forward from here? Is there a way to 
change the transaction currency of all transactions associated with an 
account? Do I start writing scripts to modify the xml save file? Is 
there another way to fix it by redoing the import?

Is the fact that changing the account currency doesn't change the 
currency of existing transactions a bug or a feature? i.e. should I file 
a bug report?

Any help is much appreciated.


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