[ANN] PaysWell 0.01 Payroll Witholding Tax Calculator

Michael D. Crawford crawford at goingware.com
Mon May 23 22:07:10 EDT 2005


PaysWell's SourceForge project is live at:


Name service for http://www.payswell.org/ is not yet available but 
should be sometime tomorrow.  My web hosting service Seagull Networks at 
http://www.seagull.net/ has generously agreed to provide DNS for free. 
They're good people - I've hosted with them for seven years and 
recommend them highly.

The SourceForge project page is:


Subscriptions and archives for payswell-devel and payswell-user can be 
found at:


I think it would be best if any further discussion on this topic took 
place on either of those lists rather than on gnucash-user.

File releases are at:


PaysWell 0.01 is my prototype that just does Nova Scotia witholding.

I plan to issue a press release, but decided I ought to wait until I 
have a production-quality spreadsheet available, even if it doesn't 
cover all of Canada.  My prototype does the job but there are some 
serious (and documented) problems with it.

Andrew Sackville-West very kindly sent me his payroll spreadsheet, which 
he's been using for a long time and so is much more advanced than mine. 
  I expect I will learn a lot from his contribution.  I'm not any kind 
of rocket scientist when it comes to spreadsheet.

The website is also pretty austere, downright ugly in fact, so maybe any 
press release should wait until it gets a facelift.  I was in a hurry to 
get something up at all.

I won't have the time to do either for a few days, or maybe even a week 
as I have some pressing work that I've been putting off because of the 
time I've spent getting my new project started.  But I will certainly 
have time to participate in any mailing list discussions.

Thank you for your attention.

Michael D. Crawford
GoingWare Inc. - Expert Software Development and Consulting
crawford at goingware.com

   Tilting at Windmills for a Better Tomorrow.

     "I give you this one rule of conduct. Do what you will, but speak
      out always. Be shunned, be hated, be ridiculed, be scared,
      be in doubt, but don't be gagged."
      -- John J. Chapman, "Make a Bonfire of Your Reputations"

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