Question about common currency warnings at start up...

Hilmar M. Carders carders at
Tue Nov 8 22:12:41 EST 2005

Since I performed a crash recovery on my gnucash file (loaded most recent 
file, then "replayed" the log file) I have been getting some 28 warning 
messages at start up looking like this:

Warning: xaccTransFindOldCommonCurr...(): unable to find a common currency in txn f06752c43ad5172d67e3ea8c08b73832, and that is strange.
Warning: xaccTransScrubCurrency: no common transaction currency found (guid f06752c43ad5172d67e3ea8c08b73832)

Searches on google indicate the source is in Scrub.c but it is not clear 
to me what the implications of this are.

I assume I need to find and fix whichever transactions are now in error, 
but I do not understand what the error is and I do not know what to look 

Can anyone offer some hints as to where I should look for more 

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