Question about common currency warnings at start up...

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Wed Nov 9 02:04:13 EST 2005

Basically, one of your transactions has lost its currency tag. my 
solution (though not as elegant as Dale's script) is to seach for the 
transaction in a text editor and fix it. you can search for the guid in 
the error message and you'll see the fields. compare to other trans. to 
see how the currency should be set up. back up your file FIRST!


Hilmar M. Carders wrote:
> Since I performed a crash recovery on my gnucash file (loaded most 
> recent file, then "replayed" the log file) I have been getting some 28 
> warning messages at start up looking like this:
> Warning: xaccTransFindOldCommonCurr...(): unable to find a common 
> currency in txn f06752c43ad5172d67e3ea8c08b73832, and that is strange.
> Warning: xaccTransScrubCurrency: no common transaction currency found 
> (guid f06752c43ad5172d67e3ea8c08b73832)
> Searches on google indicate the source is in Scrub.c but it is not clear 
> to me what the implications of this are.
> I assume I need to find and fix whichever transactions are now in error, 
> but I do not understand what the error is and I do not know what to look 
> for.
> Can anyone offer some hints as to where I should look for more information?
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