gnucash crashes

Maf. King maf at
Thu Nov 17 16:36:18 EST 2005

On Thursday 17 Nov 2005 21:08, Dr. Scott S. Jones wrote:
> Dear List:


> Customer Report hangs GnuCash
> 1. If I click on Reports|Custom|Customer Report
> 2. Customer Report WAS under Reports|Business Reports, but got moved, not
> by me

That sounds like you have "saved" the report - GC really doesn't like it when 
you save a report with the same name as the original.  This crops up on the 
list every so often, IIRC you have to delete a file called saved-reports - 
which may be in your home, or home/.gnucash (can't remember.  have a hunt & 
I'm sure you will find it)

> 3. Attempts at printing some other things, invoices sometimes

I think that is the same problem as the saved-reports issue above. Have you 
saved the printable invoice before printing it?

> I enter a new invoice and want to mark when it is entered as well when it
> is DUE. However, the due date field is greyed out, disallowing me to change
> it.

That happens if you have set your customer's payment terms at the invoice 
creation dialog - eg to 30 days.  If that is not set, then you can change the 
payable date whilst posting the invoice 

> Please advise. I am trying to convince my wife that this is a better way to
> run her business than buying Quickbooks and TurboTax and spending more
> money to upgrade to faster hardware, when GnuCash should handle all this
> just fine.

FWIW, GC handles my business & my wife's businesses just fine.


> Scott

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