Showing an investment as an expense in a report

Laurent Duperval lduperval at
Tue Nov 22 09:56:05 EST 2005

Dale Alspach wrote:

>Could you explain why you want to show this as an expense? I see this
>education fund as an investment similar to retirement. Are you actually
>looking for cash flow information?

Maybe. I'm trying to categorize my expenses according to four 
categories: necessities, entertainment, education and "just-in-case". 
The cashflow report shows where money is going, but doesn't give the 
percentages like the expense report does. That's really what I'm looking 
for. I'm tracking all my other assets as you would normally track 
assets. However, education is a bit different. Some of my education 
expenses are for books, training, school fees, etc. Part of it is for 
money I put aside for college and university, but for reporting reasons, 
I want it to show up as an expense. I'm just wondering if there's a way 
to do this, without messing up the accounting.


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Information: laurent at   (514) 902-0186      

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