newbie questions

Doug Madory (Santiago, Chile) madory at Dartmouth.EDU
Fri Oct 28 10:42:05 EDT 2005

Sorry for the basic questions. No much in the documentation or archives for


1) After creating an account, how can you change the initial balance? I
don't see any field anywhere to allow you do to this. Seems like a simple
thing, but the only time I've been asked for initial balance is when
creating an account.


2) How do you reclassify a ledger entry to be for another account? Do you
have to delete it and recreate it manually? For example, when I got Gnucash
going initially I had my wife's and my pay deposits going into a generic
account "Salary". Later I decided to break it up by pay source. I ended up
doing it manually because there didn't seem to be a way to easily change an
entry to be for another account.


3) Anyone else notice the print-to-file for ps and pdf prints the charts off
the top of the page?





Douglas Madory
Graduate Student
Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College
Lab: (603) 646-3332

Willing Hands Enterprises, Inc


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