gnucash crash
jim ruxton
cinetron at
Fri Feb 17 17:47:38 EST 2006
When I try to print an invoice gnucash crashes with this message below.
Help I want to move away from Quick Books.
[jim at localhost ~]$ gnucash
In /home/jim/.gnucash/saved-reports-1.8:
5: 78056 (let ((options #)) (let (#) (# option)) (let (#) (#
option)) ...)
5: 78057* [gnc:report-template-new-options/name "Printable Invoice"]
In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
127: 78058 (let ((templ #)) (if templ (gnc:report-template-new-options
templ) #f))
In unknown file:
?: 78059 [gnc:report-template-new-options #]
In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
146: 78060 (let (# # #) (if # # #))
153: 78061* [gnc:make-multichoice-option "General" "Stylesheet" ... ...
157: 78062* [map #<procedure #f (ss)> (# #)]
In unknown file:
?: 78063 (if (null? rest) (map1 f list1) ...)
?: 78064 (begin (set-cdr! p (list (f #))) (lp (cdr ls) (cdr p)))
?: 78065* [set-cdr! (#(Default "Default" "Default Stylesheet")) ...
?: 78066* [list ...
?: 78067* [#<procedure #f #> #]
In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
159: 78068 [vector ...
160: 78069* [string->symbol ...
160: 78070* [gnc:html-style-sheet-name #]
In unknown file:
?: 78071 (and (eq? (quote #) (record-type-descriptor obj)) (struct-
ref obj 0))
?: 78072* [eq? #<record-type <html-style-sheet>> ...
?: 78073* [record-type-descriptor #]
?: 78074 (if (struct? obj) (struct-vtable obj) (error (quote not-a-
record) obj))
?: 78075* (struct? obj)
<unnamed port>: In expression (struct? obj):
<unnamed port>: Stack overflow
[jim at localhost ~]$
[jim at localhost ~]$
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