new cc banner

Jochen De Smet jdsmet at
Sun Jan 8 11:25:23 EST 2006

On 1/7/2006 07:32, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -----
> Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> -----
>> Yes, it does.  Setting the Reply-To is a VERY VERY BAD IDEA..  It
>> messes with lots and lots of things.  Most modern MUAs have a
>> Reply-To-List or Reply-All feature.  You should use them.
>> You shouldnt' set the Reply-To, it causes more problems than
>> it solves.
> I am not requesting a change, since I have read much of the previous
> discussion and realize no change will be made. I use Thunderbird 1.0.7 
> that
> just came out, and it does not have a button for Reply-To-List. It is 
> quite
> up to date, having come out only 2005 September 23. But perhaps it is not
> "modern" in the sense you mean. Mozilla, before, did not do that either.
> So, if I remember (and I forget frequently, I am afraid), I must hit
> Reply-All, and then delete every entry but the list. Delete two 
> entries in
> this case. IIIRC, this is the only list I am in with this policy, which
> makes it especially difficult to remember.
Err, no you don't. As far  as I know most people either:
a) filter out duplicates that get sent both to themselves and the list, or
b) want the extra mail for threads they're involved in, because they 
check their
   inbox a lot more frequently than their mailing list folders.


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