newbie: customizing register view

bn aval57 at
Fri Jan 27 11:10:52 EST 2006

How do I get the 'Memo' field to display in the basic
ledger view?  I imported a qif file, but can only see
'Memo' in the transaction journal view.  Is this how
it's supposed to be, or is there a problem with the
import*?  Is there a way to user-define the register

Also, I've checked 'Save window geometry' in
Accounts>Edit>Preferences>Advanced, but the register
window reverts to the initial geometry every time I
open it, even after saving the account.


*import details: original qif was produced by Quicken
6, I converted it to unix Ansi format in mswindows,
then converted it to en_US.iso88591 format via gedit
in gnome.  gnucash is running in the en_US.iso88591
locale, and the import druid didn't complain abut anything.

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