aqHBCI Wizard help file?

Dave Reiser dbreiser at
Fri Jan 27 15:36:27 EST 2006

Don Levey wrote:

> I was able to do *most* of this:
> cd fidata.utf-8	[Important - I can't make UTF-16 work]
> grep -iC 5 banknorth *
> This returned a couple of file references, including the one I want
> (6081.xml) as referenced by <guid>.
> Grepping in 6081.xml, though, gives no return for ofxserver at all.  In
> fact, the closest I can get to ofx is <OFXHeaderVer>.  But I get the
> following:
> 	<ProviderURL></ProviderUR
> L>
That's the one I'd use.

> Which I'll try later tonight when I can. From what I can see here, there
> doesn't seem to be a bank code to enter.  I'll keep trying; once I can get
> this working I'll try to write it up.

in the 6081.xml file, there is a parameter labelled <FID>1001</FID>.
I would use 1001 as the bank code first guess. The other possibility is 
that you should be entering the routing code for your branch (IIRC, 8 
digits, lower left corner of checks). I only have credit card and 
investment accounts that allow any ofx downloads at all, so I haven't 
dealt with the bank code much.

I'm pretty sure aqbanking will accept 00000000 as the bank routing code 
if you don't know the right one. (I think it then attempts to query your 
logon space for the right code, but I'm pretty fuzzy on that, too.)
>  -Don

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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