gnucash, Finance:Quote, and own module

Klaus Dahlke klaus.dahlke at
Thu Mar 16 17:04:30 EST 2006

Dear all,
after having trouble with from the recent Finance:Quote module, I wrote a small own module for Finance::Quote where I collect the quotes from other sources (like the price pages from the respective fond companies). The module is called, located in the same directory as the other modules for Finance::Quote, and after 'export FQ_LOAD_QUOTELET=Custom' the command 'perl custom xxxxx' produces the desired result. 

I just compiled gnucash-1.92 for test purposes. Unfortunately, in the drop-down list to assign an external source to a commodity only the standard modules from Finance:Quote show up, but not an entry like 'custom'. Where can I include my into the selection list within gnucash? Copying the content into an existing module (e.g. Deka) and assigning 'Deka' as the source to the commodities delivers the correct results. But I'd like to have the link from the commodity definition to my module to not run into problems when Finance::QUote gets an update.

Best regards,

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