Reversing a customers payment

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Fri Mar 17 17:29:05 EST 2006

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 23:48:58 +0200
Jacques Verryn <jverryn at> wrote:

> Hi All
> I'm having a problem with Account Receivable. I issued an invoice to a 
> customer which was paid with a stale check. I processed the payment, but 
> now I need to process the bounced check. I created a transaction that 
> debits Accounts Receivable and credits the Checking Account. This 
> transaction updates the bank account and Accounts Receivable to the 
> correct balance.
> My problem is that the reversal is not picked up when I generate a 
> Customer Report.  Also if I look at the customer 's invoice the last 
> invoice is still ticked as paid.
> Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug in the Customer Report and 
> invoice payment code?

I think the best you can do is change the account of the first deposit to some suspense account, then do the reversed charge into the same account. This wouldn't show on a statement though. 

you could also just open an new invoice called "returned check" or something like that.


> Thanx
> Jacques
> GNUCash 1.8.11
> Mac OS X 10.4
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