Problem adding account to existing accounts

Leslie Katz lesliek at
Thu Mar 23 01:41:50 EST 2006

Bengt Thuree wrote:

>On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 17:43 +1100, Leslie Katz wrote:
>>Next, change the Commodity type from Currency to, eg, NASDAQ. I can't 
>>achieve that using the Select currency/security dialogue. I can 
>>highlight the word Currency, but I can't alter it in any way. The drop 
>>down menu contains no other option than Currency. How am I supposed to 
>>change it to, I assume in my case, ASX (the exchange on which the 
>>security's traded)?
>Have you also set the Account type to be of Stock?
Thanks for taking the trouble to reply.

I couldn't find at first a way to set my account type to stock. I then 
discovered that the window I was working in was compressed, presumably 
because of the relatively small size of my monitor. After I lengthened 
the window, I was able to set the account type to stock, but that didn't 
put an end to the problem I first raised. I still can't change the word 
"Currency" to anyhing else.

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