Newbie few item questions

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 31 15:00:45 EST 2006


Tuc at Beach House <tuc at> writes:

> 	1) I started entering information on a Business/Vendor/New Bill
> and found I totally stuffed it up. I was able to delete the line items,
> but how do I remove the invoice itself? Its unposted with no line items.

You can't.  Just re-use the invoice for your next invoice.

> 	2) When I went to go look at a payment I entered, it seemed to be
> showing as a split for 19.20 and 19.20 making a $38.40 payment. However,
> I'm fairly sure I put it in as 156.59 without any payment splits. Where /
> what / how did this appear?

Payments are posted in FIFO order against the Invoice Owner (Customer
or Vendor)..  So if you have multiple invoices posted for a particular
customer, it will post a payament against the first invoice (in date
order) first.  If you over-pay this invoice, gnucash will create
Automatic Payment Forward transactions to "move" the extra money from
one invoice to another.

> 	3) To resolve #2, I went into the Cash Account, found the line item
> and just deleted it. I went back to the payments for bills, found the bill
> and paid the bill in full. NOW I have 2 line items that show in my 
> Accounts Payable as "Automatic Payment Forward" for 19.20, another for -19.20,
> the original incorrect payment with the check number is showing as -19.20 and
> there is an entry for $137.39. But there is nothing about the 156.59 that
> I entered... What the? If I do a Vendor search, then show bills, the "paid"
> column is not checked. When I go back to the Assets:Current Assets:Cash
> in Wallet and look at the payment, it now shows it was split into 19.20,
> 137.39 in my "Liabilities:Accts Payable". Why? I didn't split it when I
> put it in. Infact I don't know how to split it when I enter it.

I suggest you remove the payment transactions and the Automatic
Payment Forward transactions and then repost the payment.   I've
never been able to reproduce the work-flow that causes a problem
with these Payment Forward transactions, but some people have been
able to get themselves into a broken situation... 

Without being able to reproduce the situation I have no idea how it
gets into this bogus state..  But..  Removing the payments and the
automatic-forwards and repositing the payments seems to solve the

> 	4) Is there a way to print a report that would be 
> Date	Reference	Type	Amount
> 	So I can see in one place all the bills and associated payments
> for each vendor? 

Um, have you tried the Vendor Report?  Reports -> Business -> Vendor Report

> 	5) Speaking of reports, unfortunately I'm not able to program
> in the report language... Is there anyone who's made an "addition pack"
> of reports possibly?

All reports that have been created have been incorporated into GnuCash
and shipped.  Is there a report you think you need that GnuCash doesn't
already have?

BTW: Learning scheme is fairly simple.  Any software engineer should
be able to understand the syntax of Scheme in under a day..  Learning
the rest should be little more than a week of study.

> 	Is there some procedure or practice I might not be following
> properly? It seems to be modifying transactions as I put them in.

"It"?  Not sure what kind of transactions are being modified...  But
yes, GnuCash is going to try to auto-balance stuff for you.  The
business features in particular are going to migrate the payments
to make sure you can pay multiple invoices with a single payment.

In 1.8 you cannot pay an invoice directly (but you can in 1.9).


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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