import QIF from KMyMoney

David Hampton hampton-gnucash at
Fri May 5 01:30:43 EDT 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 01:01 -0400, Martin Meyer wrote:

> D2006-3-3
> Mme plus $60 for Jimmy
> T(450.00)
> N193
> PGeneral Realty Company
> LBills:Rent
> ^
> The date format is negotiable and it seems I can switch out , and . in
> the output for separators.

My guess would be that the problem is the "T(450.00)" line.  Try
changing it to "T-450.00".

> What format is GnuCash expecting for this stuff?

Here's a comment about the QIF format from the source tree:

  The QIF is an old and rather broken file format defined by Intuit
  for exporting Quicken data.  It is 'broken' because the format
  is ambiguous in many places, non-standard between different releases
  and applications, and even varies subtly from country to country (in
  particular, the way dates and amounts are represented), and fails
  to define important data (such as the currency denomination, or the 
  exchange rates when transferring between accounts marked in different
  currencies).  Importing a QIF file can require significant manual
  intervention by the user in order to get the data straight.

Yours is the first QIF file I've seen that used parentheses to denote
negative numbers instead of a minus sign.  Yet another way that QIF is
inconsistent in the way it represents data.


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