trying to install GnuCash 2.0.0 on a Mac Intel/OSX (Tiger)

Dave Reiser dbreiser at
Tue Nov 14 14:54:23 EST 2006

Derek Atkins wrote:
> I've heard many many reports of it working fine.  You are the first
> person in a while to complain about it not working.  I don't recall the
> exact error message you're getting, but I suspect the error is related
> to a broken SLIB dependency and not the gnucash code itself.  What version
> of slib do you have installed?
> -derek

The glib-gobject errors seem to be limited to intel Macs after 2.0.1 
(i.e., 2.0.1 works, but 2.0.2 does not)

One of the people on the fink lists has found that he can make 2.0.2 
work if he installs goffice 0.3.whatever externally.

Fink only has slib 2d6, so folks trying to use the fink supplied 
dependencies aren't seeing a slib 3 problem.

I don't have an intel mac, and I'm not having any problems, so I can't 
fill in further info.

The only other thing that I know has happened lately (like between the 
2.0.1 release and the 2.0.2 release) is the fink's glib2 went from 
2.12.3 to 2.12.4. But looking at the bugs fixed list, I didn't see 
anything that seemed to relate. gtk+ is still mired at 2.6.10 (not 

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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