How do I get rid of old bill due reminders?

John Griessen john_g at
Mon Nov 20 13:09:07 EST 2006

Derek Atkins wrote:

> As I haven't been able to reproduce this myself, and nobody has been able
> to provide me a "here is what I did to get into this state", I've not been
> able to track it down.  I've tried all series of posting, unposting,
> etc. but it never seems to cause this problem for me.

The way this happens is by spending minimal time on data entry and sometimes 
unposting, and sometimes coming across hard problems reconciling, which are 
solved by going into the .xac file and text editing it to change reconciled 
status of entries that need to be fixed to get a reconcile.  At some point these 
problems make me want all the usual straight accounting functions where  I could 
reverse anything and move anything between double entry ledgers while creating a 
trail for audit.

I can't succeed when I try with that approach with gnucash, so the next best 
thing would be a way to close out the books to get rid of mistake ridden time 
periods that cannot be fixed properly.

Another thing to consider would be to make the bill due function flaggable and 
changeable on entries in any state -- reconciled, paid, etc. -- so as to turn it 
off after the fact.     After the fact is the right time to deal with 
idosyncrasies of accounting SW.  Redoing anything money related is never the 
way.   Forward is the only way to go, so putting ways users can always go 
forward will get you more helpful bug reports, and more users.

John Griessen

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