Berkshire Hathaway Class B Quotes from Yahoo

Dave Reiser dbreiser at
Mon Nov 20 15:56:58 EST 2006

Mark Gannon wrote:
> Hello,
> Can someone help me figure out the right way to enter the ticker symbol for 
> Berkshire Hathaway's class b shares?  It seems like every site I use has a 
> little different syntax.  For example, Yahoo finance, the site I'm using for 
> quotes with Gnucash, uses brk-b.  When I use that in the Gnucash Security 
> Editor, I get an error when using the Price editor to retieve the quote.
> I traced the transaction, and Gnucash is including the "-" in the URL.  The 
> relevant field is:
> GET /d?f=snl1d1t1c1p2vbapomwerr1dyj1qa2c4&e=.csv&s=BEQGX+STSCX+DODIX+SWANX+VGTSX+INTC+DLTR+MDT+BRK-b+WAT 
> HTTP/1.1\r\n
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards,
> Mark Gannon

try BRK-B or BRKB. Yahoo's web page will accept the hyphenated or 
non-hyphenated version, but I think you need to be careful to pass upper 
case via Finance-Quote.

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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