Advanced portfolio doing weird things after upgrade to 2.0.5

Oliver Iberien odilist at
Sun Apr 8 14:49:41 EDT 2007


Advanced Portfolio was working fine in 1.8.12 on FreeBSD 6.0, but in 2.0.5 it 
almost seems to be making things up. The numbers are apparently chosen at 
random, having no visible relationship to the numbers in the accounts and 
some (negative Money In, negative cost bases) not rational. 

GnuCash starts up without errors. After the initial install there was a libofx 
error that was corrected by upgrading dependencies.

Here is an example of a discrepancy:

5000 shares bought at 0.407. 2000 shares later sold at 2.81, recorded as a 
split transaction which looks fine. A grand total of two transactions 
(counting the split as one) in the account ledger. 

Advanced Portfolio says: Cost basis $407.00, Value $8508.90, Money 
In -$7577.00, Money Out $5238.00, Realized Gain $13222, Unrealized Gain 
$8101.90, Total Gain $21323.90 Total Return -281.43%. I can't see where these 
numbers come from.

Has anyone seen anything like this, and does anyone have a fix? Please let me 
know what further information I should post, if you would like to help -- I 
have no idea where to start, other than checking my accounts for bad entries 
(which I have already done... nothing yet.)



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