Loading 1.8.12 into 2.0.99

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 9 11:06:48 EDT 2007

"Tuc at Beach House" <tuctboh at gmail.com> writes:

>      Yes, I'm trying to load a 1.8.12 Unix version into 2.0.99 Windows. This
> is so my accountant can see what I've done. This is an uncompressed input
> file, it looks like :

The data file format hasn't changed.  You should be able to load
a 1.8.12 Unix version into a 2.0.99 Windows version.  Just for
kicks, what happens if you load the 1.8.12 Unix version into a
2.0.5 Unix version, save it out, and THEN send it over to Windows?

> Or am I misinterpreting compression???

I dont know if you're misinterpreting compression.  Generally, unless
you told it NOT to, 1.8.x will compress your data file automatically.
But if you "cat" (or "more", or "less") the data file and it shows
you that XML snippet, then clearly it's NOT compressed.

> As for the inability to make backups, yes, there was an issue. I was running
> it off a CD. I later moved the file to the server itself just incase that was
> causing more issues than just unable to write a lock.

Ahh, you didn't mention this before!  Then yes, you can ignore the
"can't make backup" or "can't delete lockfile" messages if it's
sitting on ReadOnly media like a CD.

> All I tried to do in the trace file is "File->Open" and my file. I am trying
> to open files created on 1.8.12 Unix using 2.0.99 Winderz.  Am I
> misunderstanding what a "compressed" file is? Like it shows above, it doesn't
> look compressed to me. If anyone wants the file, I'll happily provide it.

Well, in trace.1 it looks like you tried multiple times...

I don't have a windows box handy to test so sending me the data file
wont help.  It's certainly true that what you just sent above (which I
snipped out above) is NOT compressed.  But windows seems to think it

> Tuc


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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