GnuCash 2.2.0 under Windows (problems)

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Wed Aug 1 06:27:25 EDT 2007

Crimson Corelio wrote:

>I'm running on Windows XP SP2 as an administrative user and its working just
>fine.  No difference from running on my linux boot.
Thanks for the info. As you can see, I am making having some success 
testing and may have traced my problem to something that went wrong on 
the first open configuration process as testing in new user accounts 
where GnuCash has never been run are not repeating the problem. But I am 
not sure I understand what you just said, especially in the context of 
responding to my question. If I didn't know better (that this is 
unlikely), I would interpret those two statements to mean

"I run GnuCash under Linux logged in root or at least in an "su" session 
(that's what I would call "no difference from running under XP as 


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