GnuCash 2.2.0 under Windows (problems)

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Wed Aug 1 15:13:15 EDT 2007

No dice. I did what I proposed to do (see below) but when I brought 
GnuCash up it again did not create the .gconf directory. Since I did 
this without a "confirm" that I wasn't missing something else I had to 
delete, there's still an off chance that this idea will work. But I'll 
have to wait until somebody speaks up who knows more about the details 
of what GnuCash does to configure its running environment. I must be 
doing SOMETHING differently than in the tests, but what isn't obvious.

Not totally stumped since there's one more thing I can try --- do the 
(same) deletes, then open GnuCash and tell it to create a "sample" new 
book. Then after saving this, see what happens when I open the real 
books (closer mirroring of the test). But I won't have time for that 
till next week, and perhaps by then one of the developer types will have 
weighed in on what might be going wrong.


****************** what I did ************

I would like to return MY account to the state it was in prior to 
running GnuCash the first time (except of course for the data 
representing the books). Could somebody please confirm for me the set of 
directories I should delete. I believe that list is:
.gtk-bookmarks (a file, not a directory)
(remember, I am MISSING .gconf which may be what was causing the problem 
-- but were it there, it would be on this list)

Having cleared away anything that tells GnuCash that this user (myself) 
has run it before, I propose to open the app and see if this time maybe 
the initial configuration goes properly and I am subsequently able to  
save changes.  I am pretty sure that these directories/file need to be 
deleted to do that, just not sure if I might not be missing another 
something from that list (besides .gconf which ISN'T present and so 
needs no delete). If somebody could confirm that for me? Thanks.

There is no possibility of social justice on a dead planet except the equality of the grave.

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