Period total in the chart of accounts?

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sun Aug 5 06:39:22 EDT 2007

>>Under Preferences/Accounting Period, I have the start and end dates set 
>>to be relative to the current month. I'd like to have, in addition to 
>>the overall total column on the chart of accounts, a column which shows 
>>only the delta for the current month; that way, for instance, I could 
>>glance at the row for Expenses:Discretionary Spending:Charles and know 
>>immediately where I stand for the month.
Coding is not usually the hard part. FIRST comes a clear specification 
of what is supposed to happen from the "business" point of view.

Charles --- I suspect that what you (and probably others) would like is 
a way to present "side by side" either or both .......

a) For some time period, a "budget report" and a "income/expense report" 
showing variance (as either amounts, percentages, or both) --- that it 
is with regard to some sort of planned report that the deltas have meaning.

b) For two time periods, a pair of "income/expense reports" showing 
differences (as either amounts, percentages, or both) so the time 
periods can be compared.

Looking ahead a little bit at this point -- but these would be examples 
of the sorts of capabilities that I myself would be likely to get 
involved with making available as they are more or less standard for 
non-profit reporting.


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