File Format Issue

Ed P paq237 at
Sun Aug 12 14:06:58 EDT 2007

Hi Folks

Completely the fault of my own, I'm having what I think is a file
format issue that I'm hoping to resolve.

I mainly use GnuCash on my FreeBSD box, but needed to enter
transactions during the "guile issues" going on a few months ago.  (In
short, I couldn't get GC to build for a while on BSD).

I decided to give the Windows version a try during this phase - and
preceded to load my GC 2.0.2 data into the 2.1.4 version running on
Win... Data loaded fine, application ran fine.

Some time went by and the "guile issue" was resolved by the FreeBSD
port maintainer.  I was able to once again build GC without major
issue.  What I didn't notice was that it was building a 2.0.x

Anyway, loaded the now 2.1.x version of data into 2.0 and didn't see
immediate issues (I don't use any scheduled transactions).  I did
notice, however, that each account was now prefixed with "Root
Account:".  All balances, etc seem to be just fine, but it's just
annoying having to enter "Root Account" before each of my accounts.

While I'm prepared to simply strike balances and forward them over in
a pristine 2.2 revision of data file, I would prefer to "fix" my
existing file.

Any suggestions as to how this could be done?

Many thanks.

Ed P.
paq237 at

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