New user - Inventory tracking functionality?

POWER,Daniel Daniel.Power at
Tue Aug 14 23:11:04 EDT 2007

Hi all,

I have just downloaded GNU Cash to run my sporting club's finances.  I
have no accounting experience but am lucky in that we are just being
founded now, so I can pick it up as it goes along.  Despite my lack of
experience I've found it really easy so far to input all the
transactions since the club opened a month or so ago.  One thing I am
having trouble with though is inventory.  Our club runs a pro shop so to
speak, and I would like to be able to track individual items and
associate them with invoices etc etc.  I have searched the mailing list
and found several (hundred) references to 'we are looking into it' but
can't really see anything more than that.

Is there a timeframe for the implementation of a basic inventory
tracking system or should I continue to use the spreadsheet I wrote up?


Daniel Power
Business Analyst
DART, IT Planning and Interface Solutions Team
Employment Systems Group
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations 
p: (02) 6121 8208 | m: 0432 840 668

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