Getting started - Online banking problems (Vanguard / Citadel FCU)

David Reiser dbreiser at
Fri Aug 24 20:25:48 EDT 2007

On 24 Aug 2007, at 5:29:16 PM, Shawn Poulson wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Reiser [mailto:dbreiser at]
>> Getting no OFX response suggests to me that you didn't hit the ofx
>> server...
>> There is another debugging variable available -- (from the gwenhywfar
> Thanks for the tip.  No, this is not the branding server, as this  
> is the
> only URL for this bank noted in Quicken logs.  Also, Quicken shows  
> responses
> with actual account/transaction data from it, so it appears the be the
> correct URL.
> Now, when I use the GWEN_SSL_DEBUG option, the written.bin shows  
> what I've
> already posted and the read.bin is showing a full response with the  
> account
> list.  All the information looks correct.
> Just to be sure, I ran it through the OFX Script Viewer I found from
>  It has minor complaints that may not  
> matter.  Request
> has "<DTACCTUP>19691231" and it says that's >30 years in future,  
> which is
> wrong.  Response has
> "<SIGNUPMSGSRSV1><ACCTINFOTRNRS><TRNUID>20070824142031.000" and it  
> says it
> must be "0" for all XXXTRNRS, but I'm not sure what that means.  No  
> other
> errors.
> Is there anything else I can check to get AqBanking to recognize my  
> bank's
> OFX?
> Thanks, again.
> Shawn Poulson
> spoulson at
You could try asking on the aqbanking-devel mailing list. Martin  
Preuss (aqbanking main author) does read it, and often responds to  
problems like this. The issue he has to deal with is that he doesn't  
have access to any ofx servers, so it usually takes a few rounds of  

It's possible that the minor complaints of the script viewer hit a  
snag in aqbanking that isn't so minor.

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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