Compiling gnucash-2.2.1 on FC7 missing slib

Graeme Nichols gnichols5 at
Wed Aug 29 02:01:09 EDT 2007

Hello Folks,

I have just upgraded to FC7 (big mistake) and cannot build gnucash-2.2.1.
The build aborts because it cannot find slib.

slib is installed OK according to rpm -qi slib. It is slib-3a3-2 built on
12/07/2006. However, it has not been upgraded from FC6 to FC7 as there is NO
slib on the FC7 DVD.

Is this the reason?

I assume a fresh install as opposed to an upgrade would result in no slib
being installed at all.

I looked at the and it is
shown as 'resolved'

Any clues anyone?

Kind Regards,


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