DrScheme / Gnucash parser available

John Clements gnucash at brinckerhoff.org
Thu Aug 30 17:57:27 EDT 2007

For that possibly empty subset of you that use Gnucash and also Dr/ 
MzScheme, I've written a very small library to allow determined  
hackers to write scheme programs that accept the content of a gnucash  
file as input.

It's available through the DrScheme automatic package installer/ 
manager PlaneT, on the web at:


(search for "gnucash" on this page)

All the best,

John Clements

p.s. I understand that Gnucash's guile dependency makes this a  
somewhat perverse piece of software (why not just write in Guile...)  
but the fact of the matter is that I vastly prefer DrScheme and its  
development environment. Naturally, this is not intended as a jab at  
anyone that prefers Guile.

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