Cash ledger reports
Dave Smith
dave.smith at
Sat Feb 3 18:43:33 EST 2007
Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Please remember to CC gnucash-user on all your replies...
No problem. Sorry about that.
> Quoting Dave Smith <dave.smith at>:
>> Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> Dave Smith <dave.smith at> writes:
>>>> I've just started to use GnuCash for running some accounts for s
>>>> trade union. Our Government appointed auditor is requiring us to
>>>> produce reports in the form of a cash ledger. Is this possible? I've
>>>> been through all the default reports and searched this archive and I
>>>> can't see a answer.
>>> Maybe if you explain what a "Cash Ledger" looks like? I've never
>>> heard the term before.
>> A Cash Ledger would have columns with budget heads and row giving
>> dates on which entries were made. The entry would be made on a certain
>> date and then allocated to one or more budget heads and totaled on a
>> daily basis horizontally and a budget head basis vertically. My
>> understanding is that this how things would be done manually in the
>> days before computers! Hope my description is clear.
> "budget heads"? Oh, categories. I see.
> No, I do not believe that any report like this exists in gnucash. It
> would be a simple matter of (scheme) programming to write such a report,
> but at this point I dont think anyone has done it.
I suspected as much.
>>>> Has any else found it necessary to produce reports in this formate
>>>> and found a solution?
>>> Well, gnucash does have a bunch of reports.. Have you tried them?
>> Yes, I've looked at them all. They suit our purposes internally but
>> the the legal requirements of our Trade Union legislation which is
>> very old and doesn't seem to have heard of computers.
> Silly "formatting legislation".. :)
I think we will campaign to change the law because we don't have the
programming skills. It's a stupid law anyway.
Thanks for your response. We'll keep using GnuCash as part of our
commitment to using Open Source software. It's a nice programme so keep
up the good work.
>>>> Thanks for any comments/advice.
> -derek
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