Anybody got aqbanking working on OS X?
David Reiser
dbreiser at
Tue Feb 6 21:17:21 EST 2007
On 6 Feb 2007, at 5:38:30 PM, Jeff Carneal wrote:
> Thanks for the reply David. Sorry if you got a spam challenge, I
> thought I had that turned off on this account but apparently not.
> Ack!
Didn't notice one, maybe my system filed it for me...
> On Feb 3, 2007, at 9:53 PM, David Reiser wrote:
>> [snip]
> Well, I don't know. At first I thought my install of QT was fubar
> until I compiled and ran the sample code in the build tree and they
> worked fine. I've compiled and installed every single library and
> dependency from scratch in order to facilitate the building of a
> native intel DMG later for gnucash. I'm including the full list of
> libs at the bottom of this mail in case you see anything that might
> not play well together.
> The highlights are:
> qt-mac-free-3.3.7/
I have a vague recollection that I tried the qt-mac variant but had
to go back to the nondenominational unix version. But that was about
a year ago, so it could have been my ineptitude rather than
incompatibilities with aqbanking. OTOH, I'm sure Martin Preuss isn't
testing with the native mac qt3...
But I have to admit it would be cool if the native mac gtk+ and qt-
mac both came through and we could combine it all with gnucash.
> libofx-0.8.3/
> gnucash-2.0.4/
> aqbanking-2.2.6/
> I did track down the problem to a particular line in src/frontends/
> qbanking/lib/qbanking.cpp:
> void QBanking::setupDialog(QWidget *parent) {
> QBCfgTabSettings dlg(this, parent, "QBankingSettings");
> dlg.addUsersPage();
> dlg.addAccountsPage();
> dlg.addBackendsPage();
> if (!dlg.toGui()) {
> DBG_ERROR(0, "Could not init dialog");
> return;
> }
> if (dlg.exec()==QDialog::Accepted) { <------ RIGHT HERE
> dlg.fromGui();
> flagStaff()->accountsUpdated();
> }
> }
> The problem is I cannot find where the exec member function is
> inherited from. I suppose I need to just step through it with gdb
> but I haven't had time yet and my fear is that it will hang on an
> external library call. Never know til you try I guess :)
>> I have the (mis?)fortune of being the fink maintainer for gnucash2
>> and most of it's non-gnome dependencies. But I can only test on a
>> ppc, since I don't have an intel mac.
> Ooh man, tough job. Maybe you can help me build an actual DMG
> installer then.
Hmm. Glad to help if I can. But I'm still mostly just a motivated
user rather than a knowledgeable developer.
> [snip] Here is the list of stuff I built, fwiw. Let me know if
> you spot anything funny:
> GConf-2.16.0/
> GConf-2.9.91/
> ORBit2-2.14.5/
> OpenSP-1.5.2/
> aqbanking-2.2.6/
> atk-1.13.1/
> audiofile-0.2.6/
> cairo-1.2.6/
> cairomm-1.2.4/
> dbus-1.0.2/
> dbus-glib-0.72/
> docbookx412/
> esound-0.2.36/
> esound-0.2.8/
> expat-2.0.0/
> fontconfig-2.4.2/
> freetype-2.3.0/
> g-wrap-1.3.4/
> g-wrap-1.9.7/
> gail-1.10.1/
> gal-2.5.3/
> gconfmm-2.16.0/
> gettext-0.16/
> glade-2.12.1/
> glade3-3.1.4/
> glib-1.2.10/
> glib-2.12.9/
> glibmm-2.13.3/
> gmp-4.2.1/
> gnome-desktop-2.17.90/
> gnome-doc-utils-0.8.0/
> gnome-icon-theme-2.17.90/
> gnome-keyring-0.7.3/
> gnome-menus-2.17.5/
> gnome-mime-data-2.4.3/
> gnome-panel-2.17.90/
> gnome-vfs-2.17.90/
> gnucash-2.0.4/
> gnucash-docs-2.0.1/
> goffice-0.2.1/
> gtk+-2.10.9/
> gtkhtml-3.13.6/
> gtkmm-2.10.6/
> guile-1.6.8/
> guile-1.8.1/
> gwenhywfar-2.5.2/
> icon-naming-utils-0.8.1/
> libIDL-0.8.7/
> libXft-2.1.12/
> libart_lgpl-2.3.17/
> libbonoboui-2.17.90/
> libchipcard3-3.0.2/
> libglade-2.0.1/
> libglade-2.6.0/
> libgnome-2.17.90/
> libgnomecanvas-2.14.0/
> libgnomecups-0.2.2/
> libgnomemm-2.16.0/
> libgnomeprint-2.17.0/
> libgnomeprintui-2.17.0/
> libgnomeui-2.0.6/
> libgnomeui-2.17.90/
> libgsf-1.14.3/
> libgtkhtml-2.11.0/
> libofx-0.8.3/
> libpanelappletmm-2.6.0/
> libpng-1.2.15/
> libsigc++-2.0.16/
> libwnck-2.16.2/
> libxml2-2.6.27/
> libxslt-1.1.20/
> mozilla-firefox-
> mozilla-xulrunner-
> neon-0.26.2/
> pango-1.15.4/
> pkg-config-0.21/
> popt-1.7/
> qt-mac-free-3.3.7/
> readline-5.2/
> render-0.8/
> renderext-0.9/
> scrollkeeper-0.3.14/
> slib-3a3/
> startup-notification-0.8/
> swig-1.3.31/
> tiff-3.8.2/
> xproto-6.6.2/
> xrender-0.8.2/
> yelp/
Your versions are notably newer than mine in many cases. (I'm
particularly annoyed at being stuck on gtk+ 2.6, but it looks like
the fink folk are finally dealing with the fallout of needing to
update cairo and everything that depends on it.) About the only
things I've built outside of fink besides gnucash itself are
aqbanking, gwenhywfar, libofx, g-wrap, and swig.
David Reiser
dbreiser at
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