Upgrade to FC6 has clobbered gnucash-2.0.4

Graeme Nichols gnichols at tpg.com.au
Thu Feb 8 22:35:56 EST 2007

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Graeme Nichols <gnichols at tpg.com.au>:
>> I was then able to remove the gnucash-2.0.4-1.FC4.i386.rpm I built under
>> FC4. The binary gnucash-2.0.4-1.FC6.i386.rpm still didn't install though.
> I find it odd that "yum install gnucash" didn't work for you!
> -derek
Hi Derek,

yum is clobbered as well. A missing (or couldn't parse) *.xml file (I 
can't remember the exact name). Up2date doesn't work either for the same 

I am not all that proficient with setting up yum. That's a job for 
another day :-)

Right now gnucash is up and running perfectly. I have just finished 
doing my accounts and updating the share prices.

Thank you again for your help, and especially for gnucash.


Kind regards,

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